Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) The Achievement andFailure: A Comparative Presentation Between Yemen and India In theLight ofThe Development Sectors


Mohammed A. H. Al-Sharafi, 2Dr. Nishikant C. Dhande

To contribute to the achievement of sustainable development (SD) goals the Government’s real commitment to SD thoughts in both central and local levels is one of the most important factors. MDGs express widespread public concern about development’s related issues. The Republic of Yemen and the Republic of India, both are eastern countries in the continent of Asia, sharing its cultural and historical heritage.Regardingthedevelopmentindicators,in2011YemenwasamongtheleastdevelopedcountrieswhereasIndia among the medium developed countries. This paper mainly depended on the secondary data. It depends on thenationalreportsinYemenandIndiaadditionaltotheinternationalorganizations’reports.Itexposesfirstthe main indicators (i.e. Economic, Social, and Environmental) which are the constituents of SD dimensions. The purpose is to get representative access towards comprehending the existing situations while conducting the study. Then, the study outlines detailed schedules and tables about the indicators of the development sectors in the two countries such as the sectors of education, higher education, health, agriculture, water, sanitation, roads,energy,andcommunicationswithsomeanalyzesanddiscussionsabouttheextentofachievingMDGsin each sector.


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