Short Communication - (2022) Volume 9, Issue 5
Mathematics Classrooms that don't have access to Smart Board Technology, Overhead Projectors are Very Useful
John Arowsmith*Received: 03-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. MATHLAB-22-81259; Editor assigned: 05-Oct-2022, Pre QC No. MATHLAB- 22-81259 (PQ); Reviewed: 19-Oct-2022, QC No. MATHLAB-22-81259; Revised: 24-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. MATHLAB-22-81259 (R); Published: 31-Oct-2022
This article begins by outlining how the technology–mathematics relationship has developed, from the use of simple aide-memories for counting and arithmetic, via the use of mathematics in weaving, building . Each of these issues is briefly discussed, and it is shown that in order to analyse them, we need to combine tools and ideas from both the philosophy of technology and the philosophy of mathematics. A philosophical lesson from the history of these devices is that since the dawn of mathematics, the reliability of mathematical operations has depended heavily on the stability and longevity of the technological devices used to support them.
Ancient calculators believed that a pebble would not move on its own on an abacus or abacus. Today, when we do calculations with pen and paper, we assume that the numbers we write stay the same when we’re not looking at them. They show that the popular notion that mathematical knowledge is independent of physical reality is idealized in this respect. Technology tools can be content-specific or content-neutral. Dynamic geometry environments; interactive applets; pocket calculators, data acquisition and analysis devices; and computerized applications. A key principle of mathematics education reform is the integral role of technology at all grade levels. Due to current technological changes and changes in mathematical content and teaching methods, elementary school teachers need to be able to design technology-enriched lessons to explore and discover these concepts using appropriate computer applications. . Traditional math education has focused on using procedures, memorizing algorithms, doing exactly what teachers ask students to do, and finding the “one right answer.” Mathematics, which is most commonly presented to students in elementary school, is not an object of discussion, debate, or creative thinking, but rather of finding multiple ways to solve a problem or looking for alternative ways of solving a problem and was not encouraged ask for an operation. Another rationale related to this approach is that human mental functions, especially mathematical behaviour, arise in the process of communication and are therefore inherently social. In elementary school mathematics lessons, the mathematical actions taught are applied to the appropriation of technical tools such as physical and electronic manipulations, mathematical symbols, computer-generated charts and graphs, and various symbolic aids such as notation. May be based on Software systems and symbolic graphic representations [1-4].
Mathematics technology refers to software and hardware with explicit mathematical purposes, such as computer algebra systems, graphing calculators, spread sheets, dynamic geometry environments, or applets focused on mathematical concepts. There are various EdTech resources available for all math levels. But of course, the use of technology should not be an end in itself. A critical evaluation of alternatives is fundamental to making strategic decisions that meet the needs of the class. As this his Edutopia blog post points out, technology his tools are often used passively in the classroom, while being used to foster active learning and empower learners need to do it. Here are some ideas on how to successfully integrate technology into your math class.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors are grateful to the journal editor and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions.
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